We asked a senior person about… citizen energy communities

We want NEON to be a project by and for everyone. We want to make sure that everyone understands our project. That is why we have done a test.

We explained to a senior person, around 75 years old, what a citizen energy community is. We have also described what consist of the NEON project. Here is the result:

It is a project supported by the EU to improve the efficiency and the use of energy resources. The NEON program is willing to make a study in several countries (France, Italy, and Spain) to test in industries, services, and homes to see how it works”.

Find out more about the NEON project at: NEON | Next-Generation Integrated Energy Services fOr Citizen Energy CommuNities (neonproject.eu)

#energy #citizenenergycommunities #smartgrids #smartcontracts #optimalenergyasset #optimalenergyscheduling #Optimalenergydemand #optimalenergyresponse
