“Integration of services in different energy systems and the fundamentals of smart contracting schemes for such services”
The workshop aims to go beyond the usual limits in the framework of the integration of services in the systems that make up the energy ecosystem by broadening the horizons of application and conceptualization as well as merging the contracting schemes of these services, giving rise to more sustainable and innovative models.
To this end, this workshop has brought together several projects from the European framework and reflecting different systems such as the electricity grid, citizen energy communities, community networks and integrated consumption systems such as large commercial spaces. The integration of services in these schemes as well as specific cases of conceptualization of systems of systems as in the case of energy communities will be addressed. All of this will be included within the most innovative and sustainable contracting schemes currently available in the market.
The Speakers and Projects to be present in this workshop are:
- Luciano De Tomassi, SMARTSPIN
- Julio César Díaz Cabrera, HYSGRID+
- Giorgio Bonvicini, MUSE GRIDS
- Sotiris Papadelis, SENSEI
- Johannes Slacik, E-CREW
- Eneko Olabarrieta, NEON
To read more about Sustainable Places 2022, please visit the website: Home – Sustainable Places (SP)
To register to Sustainable Places 2022, please visit: Sustainable Places 2022 – in Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen (C.U.M), Nice | XING Event until 31st August 2022