On September 6, the day shone differently in the majestic coastal city of Nice. On that day, it laid the foundation for the next small but important steps in future innovation in sustainability, decarbonization and environmental awareness. It was the tenth edition of the Sustainable Places conference. Among the attendees and speakers there were different feelings, nerves, excitement, commitment. But within this amalgam of emotions, the NEON project contributed its grain of sand to the framework of the energy transition. NEON participated in the workshop “Service Integration and Smart Contracting”.

This workshop analyzed and addressed the standard limits in the framework of service integration in the systems that make up the energy ecosystem, broadening the horizons of application and conceptualization as well as merging the contracting schemes of these services, leading to more sustainable and innovative models together with the projects HYSGRID+, MUSE GRIDS, E-CREW, SMARTSPIN and SENSEI.
All this was possible due to the joint work of several European framework projects which represent and address different systems such as the electricity grid, citizen energy communities, community grids and integrated consumption systems such as large shopping malls.

In the workshop NEON, together with sister projects, analyzed and contrasted the integration of services in such energy schemes as well as concrete cases of conceptualization of the concept of systems of systems as in the case of energy communities, all encompassed within the most innovative and sustainable contracting schemes that currently exist in the market.
Written by Eneko Olabarrieta
Check out the video of the workshop: Service Integration & Smart Contracting – Sustainable Places (SP)