Our partners APPA and GFM Fotovoltaica carried out a workshop on energy communities at GFM headquarters in Villacañas with the aim of explaining the different possibilities of forming an energy community and the current legal framework. The workshop was held on July 27 at the headquarters of Generaciones Fotovoltaicas de la Mancha located at Polígono Industrial Las Cabezas 16, in Villacañas.

A total of 17 people attended, of whom approximately half had not attended any meeting about the project so far and another part of them were colleagues from the GFM photovoltaic company who were interested in being part of the community or at least they wanted to receive information on energy communities.

The attendees were informed of the objectives of the Neon project, of who the members of the project are, of the pilot members and their particular objectives. In the case of the heads, the technical specifications of the implementation of the project in Villacañas were described; the description of the solar power generation facility, the charging point for electric vehicles and finally the energy storage system. Then they were explained the operating system of the energy community with the locations of the current facilities and the location of potential users in the municipality, also including the extension to neighboring municipalities.

Subsequently, the attendees were explained what an energy community consisted of, what is its importance and how it can help to manage energy in a sustainable way. They were also informed about the possibilities that exist when it comes to creating energy communities and what the options would be at this time: what is a renewable energy community and what is a citizen energy community. At this point, NEON’s possible contributions to improvement from the economic point of view and also from the social point of view were introduced.
The possible obstacles that citizens face when it comes to understanding and understanding an energy community were explained and the solutions that NEON offers to these fears or doubts were also described. The technical, social and economic solutions will make the project headed towards success in Villacañas.
Written by GFM Fotovoltaica & COMET