On Friday 17 November a workshop with the title ” Empowering Energy Communities: Business models, best practices, and experiences” was organised by Appa Renovables and held remotely.The workshop was conducted in English and hada duration of two hours approximately. It consisted in the presentation of the barriers, best practices, and real cases of the development of Energy Communities in Europe to an audience of 60 people.

The workshop counted with the special presence of Jonathan Bonadio, a senior Policy advisor from SolarPower Europe, who was the project manager and lead author of a SolarPower Europe report entitled “Solar Cities: 21 solar solutions for the city energy transition. He presented practical and successful cases of Energy Communities from all over Europe.
In addition, the workshop included a presentation of the experiences and insights learned from the three pilot use cases of Energy Communities of the NEON project: Stains (leaded by Engie-France), Berchidda (Leaded by R2m Solutions-Italy) and Industrial Polygon “Las Cabezas” (leaded by GFM-Spain). The corresponding consortium member responsible for each Energy Community was in charge of communicating the status, barriers encountered, good practices and lessons learned in each case.