Project Deliverables
Deliverable 6.2: NEON website and baseline communication material 1.55 MB 13 downloads
This document (D6.2) contains the set of NEON website and public communication materials....Deliverable 6.1: Dissemination and Communication Plan 1.81 MB 27 downloads
One of the goals of NEON is to raise awareness and establish a vibrant community...Deliverable 2.3: Service financial structure and business risk distribution 1,007.77 KB 27 downloads
Deliverable 2.3 is aimed to conduct the analysis and identification of suitable financial...Deliverable 2.1: Legal and financial framework for cross-service integration 2.02 MB 34 downloads
Deliverable 2.1 is aimed to evaluate the framework for delivery of the proposed concept...Deliverable 2.4: Techno-economic feasibility case study across service life cycle 2.63 MB 35 downloads
Deliverable 2.4 Techno-economic feasibility case study aims at defining the NEON...Deliverable 1.3: Specification of multi-actor interaction across sectors 1.15 MB 19 downloads
This deliverable reports on the stakeholders’ analysis, possible cross-sectoral...Deliverable 1.2: Service offer co-creation and business planning 2.81 MB 22 downloads
The report presents the results of co-creation process among involved stakeholders...Deliverable 1.4: Leveraging the power of CECs and consumer perspective 1.91 MB 21 downloads
This task will be responsible for providing the strategy of engagement of CECs and...Deliverable 2.2: Multi-actor energy performance contracting 1.43 MB 24 downloads
This task is responsible for evaluation of the different EPC models and providing...- 1
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