Hybrid Demand Response (DR) Model as Grid Flexibility Enabler

The NEON project proposes a hybrid demand response (DR) model which combines: explicit (incentive-based operational interventions) and implicit (price-based behavioral interventions) demand response (DR) mechanisms.
This way, NEON will facilitate service providers and aggregators in unlocking the flexibility potential to provide ancillary service to grid stakeholders (e.g., congestion control, peak caving) both at the building and community (aggregated) level.
This model enables localized energy and flexibility exchange at multiple coordination levels with shared constraints/objectives to operate the distributed assets and building systems under explicit DR.
To release the full flexibility potential, the NEON project will engage the consumers in demand reduction and time-shifting activities (e.g., peak shaving) as part of the implicit Demand Response (DR).
NEON will be able to tackle the load portion (which is not controllable by the platform itself) through manual intervention (e.g., adjusting the indoor temperature, appliance switching on/off).
With the Indoor Photovoltaics (IPV) methodology, NEON will adapt the behavior of building occupants and provide context to the individual performance of users. This methodology will provide information on their daily practices of which energy consumption is a part (based on practice theories) and how they compare to their neighbors or houses like theirs (based on normative social influence).