Advanced Performance Measurement and Verification (M&V)
Definition of a performance Measurement and Verification (M&V) methodology is fundamental for verifying the effectiveness of the service provided and consumer engagement.
The proposed Measurement and Verification (M&V) methodology will build upon the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and beyond, considering other ISO methodologies and results of EU projects.
The most common issue of baseline data definition is related to representative heating/cooling selection days as the basis for assessment, setting the rules to avoid the designation of non-representative consumption, the adjustments definition, and the time window of interest.
These aspects will improve owing to NEON predictive analytics under the ISO 500001’s PDCA(Plan, Do, Check and Act) loop, such as energy demand forecasters and optimization services.
NEON will provide continuously calibrated (adjusted) baseline data to increase the accuracy of performance evaluation. The difference between the baseline (forecasted) curve and actual measurements will use for remuneration and benefits distribution among participants.
The proposed methodology will take into account the user benchmarking service for fair comparison of users and identification of a positive behavioral change to be consequently incentivized (at the household/building level).