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- Create Date May 23, 2024
- Last Updated May 23, 2024
Technologies and Concepts for the Next-generation Integrated Energy Services
Authors: Valentina Janev, Lazar Berbakov, Marko Jelić, Dea Jelić and Nikola Tomašević
Abstract: In recent years, as part of the European Union initiatives to help combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Citizen Energy Communities (CEC) concept was promoted with a primary objective to enhance self-consumption of locally produced renewable energy. The integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) requires orchestration of tools and services onedge and cloud level. This paper describes an approach to establish and validate a SGAM compliant software platform with deployed data-driven services for holistic control and energy dispatch optimization. The developed by and deployed at the Institute Mihajlo Pupin (IMP) platform has been tested for a CEC from Spain in the NEON project framework. As part of the future work, additional short, mid- and long-term planning services will be integrated and tested using data from the IMP campus.
Keywords: SGAM Architecture, Interoperability, Services, API, KPIs, Standards.