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Next-Generation Integrated Energy Services fOr Citizen Energy CommuNities NEON
Citizen Energy Communities?
As we know, the Citizen Energy Communities (CECs) are defined by EU Directive 2019_944 as a nonprofit legal figure for energy generation, distribution, supply, consumption, aggregation, and storage… controlled by members or Stakeholders.
But what makes the NEON Project different? Move forward with the Next Generation Integrated Energy Services!
The NEON project will exploit building energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and storage, and demand flexibility to increase energy savings, reduce CO2 emissions, and provide cost savings across sectors.
The Citizen Energy Communities (CECs) enable faster uptake of the proposed services and facilitate European communities (both residential and non-residential) to become energy efficient.
Service that become reality
NEON will draw up cross-sector agreements and underlying service concepts through a co-creation process with network stakeholders, service providers, and end users.

The objectives
NEON is a 2,5-year coordination and support action project (CSA) funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme, under Grant Agreement number 101033700, aiming at six main objectives:

Objective #1
Objective #2
Objective #3

Objective #4
Objective #5
Objective #6
The Challenges
How will achieve it? The NEON Approach
Enabling the energy efficiency and flexibility resources at the demand side (largely untapped).